Whenever I travel, I love packing versatile and chic dresses that can work for various types of weather and temperature. It’s even better when I find a dress that fits my budget. Similar to the maxi dress I took on my mother-daughter trip to Winston-Salem, this inexpensive pink lace pom-pom dress took me from early spring through the fall in style.
I ordered it from Shein.com, which I’ve purchased from in the past, so I wasn’t entirely sure how the quality and fit would turn out when the dress arrived. Thankfully it arrived quickly and fit perfectly… almost. While it was just about as short as it could be on my 5’8″ frame – a.k.a careful when cleaning – I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone very tall. Also, I’m not that well endowed so I wouldn’t recommend this particular dress for anyone very busty.
Whenever you’re shopping Shein.com, my biggest recommendation is to read the measurements, material, and reviews for each piece you are considering for purchase. Most items are so cheap that if you purchase 10 pieces, in my experience, around 7 or 8 of them will work. The 10-20% of items that either don’t fit or don’t work out are just something I kind of expect. With so many pieces under budget, I don’t stress if everything isn’t perfect.
Wherever you shop for dresses or other travel looks, just consider how they will pack and how often you’ll be able to wear them. This pink dress was perfect because the long sleeves provide a bit of coverage on cool spring and fall days, but the lace made it cool enough to wear on hot summer nights. My favorite thing about this dress was the little pink pom-poms on the edge that gave it a little playful accent to complement the beautiful lace. Don’t you just love finding a great dress?